Sunday 19 June 2011



Information you have told us all year,_1864    so I could remember who scored on Team USA With like 30 sec to go.

Olympics 2010

In the Winter of 2010 Canada, the province of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver put on a show for the whole entire world to see.  It was magnificent.  We grabbed so many metals and excelled at so many sports.  It was the event of the decade for Canada.  It was the biggest stage.  On that big stage we showed courtesy, we showed caring and sorrow for the georgian luge athlete who died training on our track,  we showed how to be humble and we sure brought out some funny stereotypes in the closing ceremonies.  At the start people were sceptical because of the mechanical problems in the opening ceremony but that's what happens sometimes and you have to deal with it.  Our crew that was performing the opening ceremony never gave up and kept going.  We showed professionalism and class right from the opening event all the way to the ending one.  It was one of the most exciting events I have ever experienced in my life because I felt connected to everything that was going on because it was all happening in the backyard and im sure everyone else was feeling the same way.  It was fun and at some times nerv racking when Zach Parise(who is actually the son of J.P Parise who played for team Canada in the series agaisnt Russia in 1972) of team America scored with about 30 seconds to go to send the all important gold medal game to sudden death overtime. There couldn't have been a better ending though to the Canadian Olympics than Sidney Crosby's overtime goal.  I will always remember were I was and I think that's also the same for every other Canadian.  The Olympics gave Canada an image again.  It gave us pride beyon beleif and a Patriotism which we were not used to but which we loved.

-Event of Choice

Terry Fox 1958 - 1981

Terry Fox is sure someone that all Canadians can say they look up too.  Terry suffered from a desease called osteosarcoma which forced him to have his right leg amputated.  Terry was such an athlete at a young age and played a lot of basketball in highschool.  If people thought that having one leg would stop him they were completely wrong.  He won 3 national championships in Vancouver for wheelchair basketball.  Terry then ran across Canada to build money for cancer research.  He did everything he could to help others.  He was just like you and me but he had this heroic feature that is not found in many of us.  He died at the age of 22 from lung cancer.  Terry was an inspiration and still is an inspiration for so many Canadians.  Being so fearless and sacrificing all your time into helping others is something we can all smile at and think about. It is so important that we look back and reflect on characters like Terry because he displays not only what a true Canadian should be like with his caring attitude and optimism but what everyone in the whole world should try to be like.  If everyone were like Terry the world would definatley be a different place.  Terry will always be remembered as if not the greatest, one of the greatest Canadians ever.  He is a hero and is this Countries heart and soul.  I don't know one Canadian that isn't proud to say their Canadian when his name comes up.

-Event of Choice

Tommy Douglas 1904 - 1986

This is the other Douglas.  If you thought James did well wait until you hear what Tommy did in his time on earth.  In his early ages he succumbed to a desease called  osteomyelitis and he had to get his leg amputated.  Tommy's family was then asked if he could go through treatment from a specialist for free if medical students were to watch.  It was a miracle and worked he would not get his leg amputated. Tommy felt now that medical treatment should be covered and should not cost any Canadian money.  Tommy was such a multitalented guy.  He was a lightweight amatuer boxer in Manitoba and held the title for lightweights in 1923 (he was only 15 years old).  He later then whent to study at Brandon College for sociology and then later got into politics.  By him being in politics it allowed him to share his idea of medicare and change the way we look at healthcare in Canada.  If it were not for his early age desease Tommy would have not been inspired to do what he did with the idea of medicare and if it were not for his amazing idea it would be impossible for some families to pay  if rainy days were to come and there is no money in the bank for them to save their son or daughter.  Tommy is such a proud part of Canadian history.  He resembles hard work.  He resembles such talent in multiple areas of work that are unmatchable.  Tommy will always be praised for medicare and thanked by all the families across the country.

-Events of Choice

James Douglas 1803 - 1877

There are two great Douglas's that have changed the way some Canadians look at things and one of them has to be James.  James was appointed the new Governor of Vancouver island.  He was a great Governor.  He did things right because he knew how the people of the colony felt in certain situations.  For example he created a legislative assembly because everyone had been complaining about the prejudice of the upper class settlers.  He passed resolutions to try to calm down the issue.  He knew how most of the colony felt because most of the colony would have been fur traders or ex fur traders and he was too.  The next problem on his agenda was the problem that every other colony has had in Canada.  The natives.  All the other colonies treated the Natives terribly and whenever they negotiated with treaties it always seemed as if the Natives had been tricked or lied to but that was not the case on Vancouver Island.  James had a Metis wife.  He knew the misfortune and inhumane torture the Natives were a custom to.  He felt sympathetic for them.  To get more land and expand Vancouver Island he would need more land.  So he Negotiated with the Natives on the Island and gave them hunting and fishing rights and titles to land.  He stayed very true to his word.  He was the only Governor to do so when dealing with the Natives.  This is so positive to our culture and aboriginal history in Canada because it marks the first time this had ever happened.  Finally no confusion.  Finally a little fairness.

-Events from 1815 - 1914


Before 1867 all of British North America was split into colonies.  Colonies with different views and different goals.  Confederation seemed like it was going to be very hard to achieve until a man by the name of John A Macdonald came in and told everyone his ideas and formed the Great Coalition. Which was a partnership with John A Macdonald and George-Étienne Cartier.  John took initiative and got New Brunswick and PEI representatives to charlottetown for a conference so he could pitch his ideas. Then after the conference finished everyone decided that they would meet up again in Quebec where Quebec's representative and all the other representatives would help the idea of confederation and structure it into the 72 resolutions(which would be looked at by each colony.  The last conference was in London where the union would then ask for the monarch's permission to see if they could complete their task of making a country.  It worked, the Queen named the new country Canada and then passed the British North America Act.  This is such a positive moment in Canadian history.  This made our country.  If it wasn't for all the hard work and co-operation by all the political parties it would have not worked.  This is the kind of thing you look at and think to yourself this is Canadian. No fighting, no conflict.  Team work and comprimising.  Simply being polite and that is the way Canada was formed.

- Events from 1815 - 1914

Cariboo Gold Rush

In 1857 Govenor Douglas was presented small gold nuggets from the banks of the Thompson river.  With everything that had gone on in 1848 and 1849 with all the unfortunate gold rushers that were in sanfransisco this was huge news.  The Gold miners then moved north to set out to British Columbia's Cariboo territory.  The economy was booming in this big get rich quick scheme and James Douglas needed to tame it and make sure there would be no territorial dominance by the US so he decided to make the Cariboo road which whent to the goldfields.  When he did this he was trying to gather more economic growth and make sure nobody would be able to leave the region through the US.  This was very intriguing economicly for the whole province but not that intriguing at all for the Chilcotin and their way of life.  They knew the lands like the back of their hand and like a lot of situations in Canada their land and way of life was being threatened by the expansion and growth of Canada.  Because of the building of the road the Chilcotin were exposed to european workers who exposed them to smallpox.  So many died.  At first it was an accident but then many european traders and prospectors started to get smallpox infected blankets and clothes and willingly donated them to the natives.  More died and the tragedy grew.  The natives whent to war in 1864 and 5 were executed in court.  This just shows how negative this event was.  No matter what we do we have to think about what the outcome might be and if so how can we solve it.  The government of Canada at that time knew the outcome and did not try to solve it in any way.  That is why this horrific event is a negative part of Canadian history.

-Events from 1815 - 1914


Moments.  Moments are things that define us as humans. They are past events that will always make us learn and appreciate our present.  They are so important to us. Canada has had its moments in the past.  So many things to be proud of.  So many things not to be proud of.  In my opinion there will always be ups and downs in any countries history.  You have to be optimistic. There is more upside then any in our great history of Canada.  I am proud to be Canadian.